Podcast: Free Porn Radio Podcast

Slut Sounds Podcast Episode 3

Episode 3 – Lynnea talks about what it means to be a good phone sex “shopper” on the internet by offering advice and tips to callers. There is some important information revealed to think about before you make that phone call. And something dirty happens with our erotic audio story about a gang bang. Oh yes! No music on this episode.

Slut Sounds Podcast Episode 2

Episode 2 – Lynnea discusses a caller’s comment to her about her natural voice, and she expands on the topic. She shares some sex facts about orgasms, penis size, and vaginas too. We have an erotic audio clip of a horny female sensually teasing you about anal sex. And we have the music of Muffin Military with their song Vulgarity Hilarity. Adults Only!

Slut Sounds Podcast Episode 1

Episode 1 – Ever wonder what a phone sex operators thinks about her callers fantasies, and if she tells anyone about them? Listen to some interesting sex news and facts from around the world. Lynnea soothes you through her radio program with her dulcet tones. This is a short intro episode that lasts approximately 15 minutes. Adults Only. This Song Won’t Sell A Thing by Hussalonia.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira